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  • First Line LPA [FLLPA]

    Learning Objectives

    Provide an overview of the first line LPA

    Indications for use of FLLPA

    Results it provides and its interpretations


First Line (FL) LPA

  • Performed using GenoType MTBDR plus ver 2.0 kit
  • GenoType MTBDR plus (Figure) identifies:
    • Mutations in the Rif-resistance Determining Region (RRDR) of rpoB gene (from codon 505 to 533) to detect Rifampicin resistance
    • Mutations in the inhA promoter (from -16 to -8 nucleotides upstream) and the katG (codon 315) regions to identify Isoniazid resistance.


Figure: GenoType MTBDR plus FL-LPA strip to determine Wild Type genes and mutations responsible for resistance to Rifampicin and Isoniazid; Source: GLI LPA Guidance Document.






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