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ID Title Last Updated Sort descending KM Node Tags
1351 Sputum Smear Microscopy: Use of Quality Control Slide- QCP and QCN 09/04/2022
1353 EQA for Fluorescent Microscopy [FM] 09/04/2022
1355 System Check Control [SCC] of GeneXpert Technology 09/04/2022
1356 Sample Processing Control [SPC] of GeneXpert Technology 09/04/2022
1357 Probe Check Control [PCC] of GeneXpert Technology 09/04/2022
1358 Molecular Beacon Technology for GeneXpert MTB-RIF Assay 09/04/2022
1359 WHO Recommended SOPs for Xpert MTB/RIF Sample Processing 09/04/2022
1362 Smear Microscopic Examination: Adding Immersion Oil to the Slide 09/04/2022
490 Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests [NAAT] 09/04/2022
70 Specimen Transport 09/04/2022
1370 Culture Conversion 09/04/2022
1373 NAAT Instrument Monthly Data Archive and Data Back-up 09/04/2022
1374 LPA Biosafety Essentials: Waste Disposal 09/04/2022
1375 Specimen Preparation for LC and LPA Labs 09/04/2022
1378 Ideal Infrastructure Required for Microscopy Centers 09/04/2022
1381 Prevention of Some Common Issues Encountered During Smear Microscopy at the DMC 09/04/2022
1391 Safety Precautions to be Followed in TB Laboratory Setting 09/04/2022
1394 Sputum Smear Microscopy: Recording Results for Reagent Validation at the TB Laboratory 09/04/2022
1397 External Quality Assurance [EQA] for Microscopy 09/04/2022
1418 Molecular Mechanism of Multi-drug Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis 09/04/2022
1424 Flow Chart of M/XDR-TB Patients on Longer Oral Regimen from Diagnosis to Treatment Outcome 09/04/2022
1426 Key Points of Health Education and Counselling in DR-TB Care 09/04/2022
1550 Management of DR-TB ADR: Metallic Taste 11/04/2022
1556 Understanding Key elements of Molecular Biology 11/04/2022
1561 Molecular Basis of Genetic Code and Mutation 11/04/2022
1416 Molecular Basis: Introduction to Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR) Technology 11/04/2022
1558 Structure of DNA in a Prokaryotic Cell 11/04/2022
1566 Explanation of Treatment of Non-tuberculous Mycobacteria [NTM] 11/04/2022
1570 Use of Shorter Oral Bedaquiline-containing MDR/RR-TB Regimen in Patients with Renal Impairment 11/04/2022
1580 Socio economic factors affecting TB patients 14/04/2022