Screening and Diagnostic Technology in NTEP

Screening and Diagnostic technologies are tests that objectively identify cases under various definitions.

They are used at specific time points for one or more indications, such as identification and diagnosis of TB infection, presumptive TB, TB disease, routine followup and diagnosis of drug resistance, as per the various diagnostic algorithms.

They are classified based on the technology as Microscopy, Phenotypic, genotypic, Radiological and Histopathological tests. Other tests may be used for identifying TB infection such as Mantoux and IGRA.

Request for TB tests

Discuss how a request for test is to be made and the various information points that is required to make the request.

  1. Reason for testing
  2. Type of test to be selected
  3. Destination lab (Testing facility)
  4. Origin Point (Test requested by)
  5. Other pre-requisite information (Patient Nikshay ID / Details )

Discuss how it is to be filled in Nikshay & Annexure 15A.

Discuss what happens next.


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