Node Status
Learning Objectives
- The National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP) is the public health initiative of the Government of India that organizes the country’s Tuberculosis Elimination efforts.
- NTEP is a centrally sponsored scheme being implemented under the aegis of the National Health Mission with resources sharing between the State Governments and the Central Government.
- The program provides various free of cost, quality tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment services across the country.
- Vision
- Goals
Sub Nodes
- India's commitment to End TB
- NTEP Objectives- in relation to NSP 2017-2025
- Registers & Documentation at TU level
- Formats used for monitoring [NTEP]
- Palliative Care: Need for Human Resource and Infrastructure
- Delivery of TB Care in Private Sector
- Tuberculosis Laboratory Register
- Paper-based Format: Stock Register
- Local Self Government [LSG]
- TB program management
- Organizational Structure of NTEP
- Community Engagement
- Training and capacity development