CHO-CH14: General Concepts in Adherence Managament TB Treatment Adherence Importance of Treatment adherence Recording and Monitoring Adherence Digital Adherence Monitoring Technologies Treatment supporter to TB Patient Role of TS CHO-CH15: Adherence Support Recording Adherence in Treatment card Recording missed doses in Ni-kshay Recording manual doses in Ni-kshay CHO-CH16: 99 DOTS 99 DOTS- Features and Benefits 99 DOTS- Envelopes CHO-CH17: Medicine Event Reminder Monitor [MERM] Medication Event Reminder Monitor [MERM] Boxes MERM Box: Components MERM Box: MERM Allocation in Nikshay CHO-CH18: Adherence Monitoring and follow-up Action Monitoring of Adherence by NTEP Staff Monitoring of Adherence by Pateint/TS Adherence Summary Dashboard
CHO-CH14: General Concepts in Adherence Managament TB Treatment Adherence Importance of Treatment adherence Recording and Monitoring Adherence Digital Adherence Monitoring Technologies Treatment supporter to TB Patient Role of TS
CHO-CH15: Adherence Support Recording Adherence in Treatment card Recording missed doses in Ni-kshay Recording manual doses in Ni-kshay
CHO-CH17: Medicine Event Reminder Monitor [MERM] Medication Event Reminder Monitor [MERM] Boxes MERM Box: Components MERM Box: MERM Allocation in Nikshay
CHO-CH18: Adherence Monitoring and follow-up Action Monitoring of Adherence by NTEP Staff Monitoring of Adherence by Pateint/TS Adherence Summary Dashboard