CDST_LT: Diagnostic technologies in NTEP
- Microscopy
- Ziehl–Neelsen Microscopy
- Fluorescence Microscopy Using LED Microscope
- Cartridge Based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test [CBNAAT]
- Truenat
- Line Probe Assay [LPA]
- Solid and Liquid Culture in TB
- Culture Drug Susceptibility Testing [CDST]
- Monitoring of Treatment by Smear and Culture
- Culture Conversion
CDST_LT: Diagnostic network and hierarchy in NTEP
- Laboratory Hierarchy and Network
- National Reference Laboratories [NRL]
- Roles of NRLs
- Intermediate Reference Laboratories [IRL] and their role
- CDST labs and their role
- NAAT Labs and their role
- Designated Microscopy Centre [DMC]
- Functions of a Designated Microscopy Centres [DMC]
- Sputum Collection centres
CDST_LT: TB diagnosis
CDST_LT: Case finding methods under NTEP
CDST_LT: Role of the senior LT and related stakeholders in TB Care