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 Programme management under NACP was decentralised to the district level in the form of District AIDS Prevention and Control Units (DAPCU).

Constitution of DAPCU

The DAPCU team consists of District AIDS Control Officer (DACO), District Integrated Counselling and Testing Centre (ICTC) Supervisor (DIS), the Monitoring & Evaluation Assistant (M&E Assistant) and Accounts Assistant. DAPCU staff reports to the DACO and functions as a unit at the district level.

The key functions of DAPCU are:

  1. Through active engagement of the district administration mobilise response from allied line departments and private sector in mainstreaming the programme.
  2. Initiates evidence-based district-specific initiatives by leveraging local resources.
  3. Facilitates linking vulnerable populations with various social entitlement and welfare schemes under the mechanism of the DAPCU-led single window approach.
  4. Mentor facility staff in efficient delivery of services, conducts impact monitoring through regular supervisory visits to HIV facilities, monthly review meetings and management and use of multiple databases (Strategic Information Management System (SIMS)/ Mother and Child Tracking System (MCTS)/ Pregnancy, Child Tracking and Health Services (PCTS) management).
  5. Coordinate among NACP as well as NHM facilities and functionaries in strengthening referrals and linkages.
  6. Address supply chain management issues through inter and intra-district transfers and liquidation of advances.
  7. Other activities entrusted by SACS such as setting up of Facilitated Integrated Counselling and Treatment Centres (FICTCs) in both Government and PPP mode, facilitating Migrant Health Camps, and Mid-media campaigns under the Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) programme, and preparation of district epidemiological profiles are also part of their functions.


Operations related to TB services:

  1.       The DAPCU convenes a joint review meeting of all NACP facilities which includes National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) facilities in the district to review:
  •      Ensure 100% reporting from all NACP facilities in the district. 
  •      Review and validate monthly reports (SIMS) submitted by the facilities. 
  •      Review of facility performance
  •      Review of referrals and linkages between facilities. 
  •      Review status on benefits of social benefit schemes to PLHIV and HRG.

2.   DACO and/or DPM from DAPCU are expected to participate in the DHS meetings, facilitate HIV TB coordination meetings and convene such forums and meetings as per requirements of SACS and district priorities.

3.    Ensure HIV testing for all TB notified cases in the district in coordination with NTEP.

4.    To ensure that all symptomatic clients are referred to NTEP and all TB-positive cases are referred to ICTCs for HIV testing.






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DAPCU works independently of NTEP.






DAPCU ensures HIV testing for all TB notified cases in the district in coordination with NTEP.





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