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Stock is critical in assuring that the network of Designated Microscopy Centres (DMC) has all of the necessary supplies, equipment, and commodities to conduct testing. It assures that TB patient management are not interrupted by stockouts.

Assessment of stocks at DMC is carried out by estimating the number of presumptive TB cases diagnosed and treated during the last quarter.

There is a standard checklist for the assessment of stock at DMC with the help of this checklist assessment is carried out.


Sl. No Items Item Adequate/ Acceptable Problems Identified
  Adequate stock and supply of:     
1. Slides Y / N  
2. Lens tissue Y / N  
3. Filter paper Y / N  
4. Spirit lamp or bunsen burner Y / N  
5. Immersion oil Y / N  
6. Disinfectants Y / N  
7. Smearing/ staining equipment (staining racks, loops, sticks, etc.) Y / N  
8. Slide boxes Y / N  
9. External Quality Assurance (EQA) forms Y / N  
  Staining reagents/ equipment:   Within expiry date
1. 1% Carbol fuchsin Y / N  
2. 0.1% Methylene Blue Y / N  
3. 25% Sulphuric acid Y / N  
4. Distilled water Y / N  
5 Equipment for preparation of stains/ reagents such as balance (for weighing reagents) and measuring cylinder, etc. Y / N  


Assessment is carried out by National Reference Laboratory (NRL)/ Intermediate Reference Laboratory (IRL)/ Central Internal Evaluation (CIE) team yearly once during their Onsite Evaluation (OSE) External Quality Assurance (EQA) visit by the Senior TB Laboratory Supervisor (STLS).

The DMC laboratory technician and the concerned Medical Officer (MO) in charge of the institution have to take adequate measures to address the problems identified. 





Question​ Answer 1​ Answer 2​ Answer 3​ Answer 4​ Correct answer​ Correct explanation​ Page id​ Part of Pre-test​ Part of Post-test​
Who does the assessment of stock at DMC? National Reference Laboratory during their annual EQA OSE visit Intermediate Reference Laboratory during their annual EQA OSE visit Central Internal Evaluation team STLS during their monthly OSE visit All of the above Assessment of stock at DMC done by NRL, IRL, CIE Team and also by STLS.      

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