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Microplanning and execution of ACF campaign
Learning ObjectivesMicroplanning for daily activity(Which lab to send samples, how many samples lab can recieve and process, no of people to be screened per day) and execution by the field staff.
Microplanning for ACF Campaign
A microplan is a detailed plan of action in terms of human resources, materials, money and time. A good microplan ensures that the health intervention reaches each individual beneficiary and is crucial to the success of the activity. For Active Case Finding (ACF), microplanning is performed at the health facility level and collated at the block, district and state levels. Training for the same is given to concerned personnel during state, district and block level meetings prior to the campaign. Microplan at PHI, Block, District and State levels should be ready at least 15 days prior to the initiation of field activities.
Microplanning is done with respect to:
I. Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization (ACSM)
A comprehensive IEC plan should be made with communication material for mass media, mid-media and print media to reach out up to the remotest village in advance.
II. Logistics
- Microplan should include planning additional consumables required for the campaign
- It includes additional slides, laboratory reagents, sputum cups, falcon tubes, sample transport boxes, X-ray films, Cartridge-based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (CBNAAT) cartridges, etc. Additional sputum containers (minimum 1000 per lakh population) will be procured and supplied to health staff for collecting sputum sample from the eligible symptomatic two weeks before the start of field activities
- Linkages of Peripheral Health Institute (PHI) areas with Designated Microscopy Centre (DMC), X-ray facilities, CBNAAT lab, Extra Pulmonary (EP) sample collection and EP testing should be included in the planning up-front.
- Laboratory technicians of the linked DMC and CBNAAT labs should be well informed about the increase in workload and recording of information during ACF activities.
III. Field activities including human resources
- Maps prepared for other campaigns like Pulse Polio, Leprosy Case Detection Campaign (LCDC), etc. must be used while planning. If maps are not available with local bodies, search team members and supervisors should be sent to the area before the ACF campaign, in order to become familiar with the area and develop maps.
- The number of houses to be covered each day should be mentioned in the microplan. This number may vary from day to day depending upon the geographical situation of the area planned to be covered by the team on a particular day.
- Teams of two persons each should go house-to-house. Out of the two members in each team, one should be a local volunteer (including Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA)).
- Each team should be allocated clear-cut, well-demarcated areas clearly mentioning the starting and ending points, identifiable with landmarks; for each day of House to House (h-t-h) activity.
- In special areas, one additional person from the local community, where the team will be working, should accompany the team.
- Human resources required for covering the mapped vulnerable population during field activities should be calculated and recorded.
- For planning and implementation purposes, urban areas should be divided into smaller planning units based on municipal wards or assemblies, or by roads or prominent landmarks. Each such unit should be put under the charge of a medical officer or nodal officer.
- Involvement of the local community, leaders, health officials, municipal bodies and their staff is essential in planning.
- Local staff is familiar with the layout of the urban areas and their inputs are vital for planning and supervision of house-to-house activities.
Execution of Microplan
The ACF campaign is executed as per the microplan and supervision is done with reference to the microplan
The House to House (h-t-h) survey is done for 2 weeks
A survey team consisting of 2 persons - one NTEP staff/ partner organization staff/ General Health services staff and one local volunteer / ASHA worker. They go from house to house in the mapped vulnerable areas/ key population groups and screen individuals for symptoms of TB. After screening, the eligible population for sputum examination includes: Persistent cough for ≥2 weeks, Fever for ≥2 weeks, Significant weight loss (>5% weight loss over last 3 months), Presence of blood in sputum any time during the last 6 months, Chest pain in the last one month, History of Anti-TB Treatment (previous/ current). If any one of these is present, a sputum cup or falcon tube is given to them and a sputum sample is collected. Sputum samples thus collected are transported to a designated lab using the sample transport system existing in the area. testing using smear microscopy/CBNAAT will be done for all symptomatic persons as per the state policy. Those who are microbiologically confirmed to be positive should be initiated on treatment within 2 days. Additionally, the team will look for other symptoms/diseases also. If person is having any symptoms or other ill health, s/he will be referred for evaluation by a Medical Officer for further management, if needed. Field Activity Report will be submitted by each health staff on a daily basis to the Medical Officer of the Peripheral Health Institution
- Active TB Case Finding – Guidance Document, 2017, Central TB Division, MoHWF, New Delhi.
- Active Case Finding for Tuberculosis in India: A Syntheses of Activities and Outcomes Reported by the National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme, Burugina Nagaraja S et al, Trop Med Infect Dis., 2021.
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Correct answer |
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Part of Pre-test |
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Which of the following is wrong about microplanning in ACF? |
Microplan is first made at the state level. |
It is a detailed plan of the human resources, logistics and field activities required in the ACF campaign. |
A good microplan is important for the success of the ACF campaign. |
Supervision of field activities is done with reference to the microplan. |
1 |
Microplan is made at the health facility level and then collated at subsequent levels.
Yes |
Yes |
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