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Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs), such as haematological abnormalities, may occur from the Drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) treatment regimen.


Suspected agent(s): Linezolid (Lzd)


Suggested Management Strategies


  • Stop Linezolid (Lzd) if myelosuppression (suppression of white blood cells, red blood cells or platelets) occurs
  • Consider restarting with a lower dose of Lzd (300 mg, instead of 600 mg) if myelosuppression resolves and if Lzd is considered essential to the regimen.
  • Consider non-drug-related causes of haematological abnormalities. 
  • Consider blood transfusion for severe anaemia.


Points to Note


  • Haematological abnormalities (leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anaemia, red cell aplasia, coagulation abnormalities and eosinophilia) can rarely occur with several other anti-TB drugs.
  • There is little experience with prolonged use of Lzd.





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