Go to KM Summary
ID Title Last Updated Sort descending KM Node Tags
769 Treatment Regimen for DSTB – Adult 26/03/2022
771 Types of Drug Resistance Tuberculosis -DRTB 26/03/2022
780 Monitoring adherence to TPT 26/03/2022
775 Target groups for TPT 26/03/2022
787 Silicosis in TB Patients 26/03/2022
620 Treatment Support and Monitoring of TB Patient 26/03/2022
795 Role of TS 26/03/2022
796 Registering a TS in Nikshay 26/03/2022
797 Treatment Support Groups 26/03/2022
798 Recording Adherence in Treatment card 26/03/2022
799 Recoring Adherence using TB Arogya Sathi Application 26/03/2022
819 Support for Rehabitilation 26/03/2022
841 Maintenance of records - NTEP Drug Stock Register 27/03/2022
842 Managerial Skills 27/03/2022
846 Reconstitution of drugs like second line, newer, TPT etc 27/03/2022
850 Stock register for Drugs 27/03/2022
858 Stakeholders for Private Sector Engagament 27/03/2022
866 PHA for patient notified from the private sector 27/03/2022
869 Incentive For Notification and Outcome Declaration 27/03/2022
815 Monitoring of Adherence by Pateint/TS 27/03/2022
814 Monitoring of Adherence by NTEP Staff 27/03/2022
824 Stakeholders/Systems for DBT under NTEP 27/03/2022
831 Transport Support for TB Patients in Notified Tribal Areas 27/03/2022
833 Roles and responsibilities of Beneficiaries and NTEP Staff to process DBT 27/03/2022
836 Registration of Private Providers and Processing Benefits 27/03/2022
571 Importance of Community Engagement in TB 27/03/2022
955 Patient-provider meetings 27/03/2022
940 What is A in ACSM 27/03/2022
941 What is C in ACSM 27/03/2022
942 What is SM in ACSM 27/03/2022